
외국인 학생들을 위한 스타트업 해커톤 'Hack to the Future' 참가자 모집 안내
2020.08.18 14:19:28 celine0725




창업진흥원에서는 천년 문화의 역사가 숨쉬는 경주에서 3박 4일간의 스타트업 해커톤 'Hack to the future'에 참가할 대학(원)생을 모집합니다.

외국인 유학생들과 팀을 이뤄 글로벌 창업 아이디어를 구상하고, 계획하고, 검증해보세요!


- 프로그램 일정·장소 : 2020. 9. 1.(화) ~ 9. 4.(금), 3박 4일 | 경주 보문단지 인근 리조트

- 모집기간 : ~ 2020. 8. 25.(화) 15시까지
- 신청링크 : onoffmix.com/event/222209
- 문의 : 창업진흥원 글로벌사업부 02-3440-7321


※ 본 프로그램은 코로나 19의 확산 추이와 정부지침에 따라 일정이 보류되거나 취소될 수 있습니다.


Why not start the Fall semester with a bang?

2020 has been challenging, but this is your opportunity to find solutions to the current problems in: healthcare/biotech/wellbeing, climate change, remote work & lifestyle, and productivity to name a few.

Spend 3 productive days with Korean and international students, at an all-inclusive entrepreneurship bootcamp in the heart of historical Gyeongju!

Let history happen again!

○ Questions? Save your slot for the Ask Me Anything session this Thursday, Aug 20, 5pm: https://bit.ly/H2F_AMA
○ When? September 1st - 3rd, 2020 (+ Gyeongju day tour on September 4th)
○ Where? Gyeongju Daemyung Resort (MAP)
○ Who? Korean and international students residing in Korea (exchange students included). Capacity: 40 people
○ What? 3 day hackathon where you get the chance to build a team, develop and validate an idea, while receiving coaching from top mentors. Earn prizes receiving feedback from expert judges in their field, and make new friends along the way.
Apply by Aug24 :  bit.ly/ForeignerHacktothefuture